Some 16 months ago I fell for a girl who already had a boyfriend. I always learn a lot when I find in someone the qualities I'm looking for in a life-partner. The way Javad put it, it's always nice to experience this, 'cause it reminds us that there are indeed people out there that match the criteria. On the one hand, I should obviously respect the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship existing, but on the other hand, what if something else is destined? Or in my own words,
To fall in love with one you cannot wed
Is better fate than to have loved and fled.
This is one of the 20 sonnets I wrote to this love interest:
Zonnet 5
Reverberating curiously between
Our hearts, a love traverses the divide.
By circumstance my heart from yours is wheened,
Yet still we find that you and I collide.
For in mine eyes thou seest thine expressed.
A swift connection binds our hearts in twine.
No selfish purpose hid, no wish repressed,
Nor ambiguity canst thou yet find.
If growth and learning be hereby attained,
If truthful love and happiness abound,
If to our lives these instances pertain,
If to inspection it remaineth sound,
Then let such magic foster as it would,
It can forsooth amount to only good.
To give credit to Brent's comments, I would do things differently now than I did then. I would remember that "Not everything that a man knoweth can be disclosed, nor can everything that he can disclose be regarded as timely, nor can every timely utterance be considered as suited to the capacity of those who hear it."
Suddenly, Kindergarten
Marzieh had her first day of kindergarten yesterday. It’s wild to consider
that 5 years passes so quickly. She walked in, all confidence, and didn’t
cry or...
5 months ago