Sunday, November 14

Sifting --- Highlights this last week: lots of progress on my research paper, provisionally named:

What Truth?

Diagnosing the Need for Performance in Diverse Societies

-Choir sang a couple of songs at a beautiful celebration of the Birth of Baha'u'llah.

-We had a great meeting with Baha'i artists around the idea of creating Baha'i-inspired enterprises - a meeting I had planned on having exactly the way this one went a whole year ago.

-Had a very very long conversation with the beautiful, always-inspiring Joleen! I love her and miss her dearly.

-Worked with Shawn and Helen on a new short film project - called:

The Mysterious Life of Ordinary People.

Went out for icecream with Tanya!

We got a whole new workplan at work, presented by a new supervisor. It's overly ambitious and rather unrealistic, but it's a welcome new energy to our efforts!

I subsitute-taught the youth class at Baha'i School - a bit of a challenge.

Met a new Baha'i youth in the area, and re-met another! More energy for our Richmond spiritual endeavors!

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