Sunday, May 6

The danio is married!

It was quite an amazing journey!
Day 1: Train to Guilin
Day 2: Take care of various documents for Lillian - passport, etc.; night bus to Nanning
Day 3: Get official marriage license from the Nanning government; train back to Guilin
Day 4: Marriage ceremony with a couple of friends (including Javad) around midnight; visiting town
Day 5: Wedding pictures in Guilin, Yang Shuo and in between
Day 6: A day of adventures in and around Yang Shuo
Day 7: More adventures, in Long Shen
Day 8: Train back


Anonymous said...

Congrats! The pictures are so fabulous (full of glamor too - remember that? ;p )

You two look like you had so much fun taking those pictures. And there are many where the love is just shining off of your faces when you look at each other.

I'm utterly enthralled Danio - I love you as always! :)

Dr. Logan said...

Danio - I am thrilled for you! A million happy wishes for you. Your pictures are amazing, keep them coming! Happy honeymoon, hurry and visit me and bring your beautiful bride! Hugs and kisses for you both - Logan

firstwomantomars said...

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
And isn't my name on one of the buildings on the background??? I feel very honored LOL
Love ya, nano

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You both look amazing and radiant. LOVE the photographs!!

Anonymous said...

The danio really knows how to strike a pose; I love the poses in the photos. Awesome job! Congratulations!

Mara Noelle said...

Congratulations! I love this tradition of all these fun photos. I think my favorite one is where you look like you're holding the moon in your hands.

Much love, Mara

don Eric said...


So happy for you two!


PS-Awesome pics

Anonymous said...


my heart is absolutely overjoyed by your photos! you and lillian are stunning. lillian moreso than you, sorry bout that! hah.. she's GORGEOUS! i'm sure you know this, though. hahah... i was enjoying your costume changes the most, i think. i kept going through the slide show and after a few pics you both were wearing different things again and in a different beautiful setting. every time i clicked next, i didn't know what to expect anymore!

although they are just photos, the love i saw between the both of you was pure, limitless and inevitably undefineable. i can only pray that someday i will get to see you again and this time with Lillian by your side to finally see this completed bird of your and lillian's life. i have a feeling comedy will ensue, as well, as always.
oh and yes, the babies.. will be breath-taking. the world looks forward to tiny danios and lillians.
despite the long distances and just the few events we've spent time together, danio, i have to say you are a soulmate of a friend to me. my deepest love and enthusiasm for you and your ever-progressing and beautiful life!

Anonymous said...

sweet danio
I am so radiantly happy for you, its beyond words. Truly, as I looked at all those wonderful, joyful pictures there were tears in my eyes at the boundless love and happiness that just shines from both your smiles. The world is excited for what the two of you will bring to it with your antics, as am I!

Unknown said...


Awesome! Congratulations Danio and Lillian!!

Jason Major said...

Yes! Oh yes!
Congratulations danio, may you have well-oiled gates and clean gardens of bounty.
You'll have to tell me about it some day!
-Jason M

peter said...

好好 好好

danio said...

This is record - 12 comments! Lillian and I feel loved :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Danio! The quest to find your love has come to and end and the quest to love her has begun. Time is limited in life, so love hard man. I look forward to meeting the new couple and catching up with an old friend.


Javad said...

What a weird case of deja vu. I feel like I've seen these photographs before. I feel like I must have been there watching them be taken. What a weird feeling.

Anonymous said...

I love all of the pics! I'm glad that you and Lillian are so happy. And I'm glad to see the comical and fun Daniel in the pictures.
