Gifts --- Feast is at our house tonight! I miss my friends!
I have recently determined that Tori Amos may just be an angel! Apparently people who love her often also love Bjork (the two of them are my favorite musical artists after Tool). It's such a beautiful day today! I always love to look out the window from this spot, out on the neighbor's magnolia tree - my favorite! (the lilac tree is up there too!)
Improv poetry time!
Love sprinkles gay sparkles true bliss
Try now to give all and find strength
For the road is behind and remiss
In the face of those blind to its length.
Peace to the poor,
Sight to the sad,
Gift to the gift.
For you reader, I wish this love, and I give you some.
Suddenly, Kindergarten
Marzieh had her first day of kindergarten yesterday. It’s wild to consider
that 5 years passes so quickly. She walked in, all confidence, and didn’t
cry or...
5 months ago