I wrote this on 4/11, I think:
Clasping --- Saturday was a day. That's for sure.
It's quite a long story, but to keep things short, I had to face many challenges, not the least of which was having to decide to give up on going to the Tori Amos concert I've been anticipating for over a month, and wishing for for much longer than that. Play practice was most of the day on Sunday, and there was no way I could do both.
It got to the point on Saturday, then, that I was completely overwhelmed, shaking, and struggling to get through each next moment without fainting (I might be slightly exaggerating). The good news is that I came out on top, stronger, and happier (although my mood was sketchy at best for the rest of the day).
Saturday was also the day we went up to Cockeysville (right outside Baltimore) for the Youth Night up there. This month we had 8 people (down from the 12 we had expected). Next month there will most likely be more still, since it's been so much fun, and the word is spreading.
More importantly, though, the Richmond youth are getting to see a bit more of each other! So on April 23, the opening evening for the musical I'm directing, in addition to the show, dinner, music and dancing, we're having a youth after-party! Our friends from Baltimore are planning to join us (despite having a Core Curriculum training that weekend!). Also, Martin Kerr will be coming with half-a-dozen friends from the Norfolk area. I'm also inviting a couple of friends from the DC area, and if we're REALLY REALLY lucky, Soup will come out to visit too!
Anyway, play rehearsals have been going well, and everybody's very excited!
Shawn showed me a new scene she wrote for the play she and I will be putting on this summer. We determined we want it to open mid-August. Then I can move in with my sister in Quebec end August (I don't yet have the final ok, but that's the plan for now...) Anyway, the scene is just fantastic, and with every new piece I read, I've been getting more thrilled. It's really going to be amazing.
I read Khalil Gibran's "The Prophet" over the weekend. Wow. I am blown away. I was hoping to read it at the Just Poetry Jam last night, but I caught up with sleep instead.
The PSP (Sony's "Playstation Portable") is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen! I would really love one, but will probably never purchase it... Orion and Robbie were playing each other in "Lumines", a tetris-like puzzle game, on the way up to Baltimore. I've played it once, and loved it! My mom is setting up to get herself one as well (although she's still having a blast with her DS and all her gameboy games...)
Suddenly, Kindergarten
Marzieh had her first day of kindergarten yesterday. It’s wild to consider
that 5 years passes so quickly. She walked in, all confidence, and didn’t
cry or...
5 months ago
wow, this all sounds so wonderful! it would be way cool if i could gather up midwest people and go see the musical! but have much fun with it!
Whoa! A play, i always knew you'd amount to a big person, if underpaid. Anyhow, at some point I'd like to find time to come and hang out with you, if possible, over the summer. So, let me know when, if at all, you are available.
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